Horizontal Drop Down Menu Tutorial ScreenShot



  • Create your menu using "Add button" and "Add submenu's item's buttons.
  • Use various ready to use Templates. Double click on the Template to apply it.
  • Change button appearance for normal and mouse over states and set buttons/submenus link properties and link target attributes.
  • Save your menu as project file, as HTML page or insert your menu into the existing HTML page


    Button creator - work area
    This is where your menu is previewed. All changes are instantly displayed. Also, you can test how the buttons web respond to the mouse events. Just act like it is a web page: move mouse over the buttons, click them and so on to preview.

    Left-click a button to select. If you want several buttons web to be selected use Shift and Ctrl keys.

    Use Shift to select several adjacent buttons. Click first button to be selected, then press Shift and while holding it pressed click the second button. This two buttons and the buttons that lay between them will be selected

    To select several buttons one by one use Ctrl key. Click first button to be selected, then press Ctrl and while holding it pressed click the second button. This two buttons will be selected

    To cancel selection just click anywhere in the Work area outside the buttons web.


  • Tune menu parameters manually or using JavaScript DropDown Menu GUI interface. Then insert html code into the existing HTML page using GUI interface - your menu is ready!
  • Save your current project in the project file (*.xwb) and continue to work with it later
  • Save menu buttons' images as GIF, JPEG, PNG files


    Css Vertical Toolbar CodeCountry Tab
    Extended capabilities to save and export the results
    • Everything you create with the program, has been saved in the Project File. This allows you either to continue your work at any time, or share your ideas with friends and colleagues.
    • You can also save your menu as a HTML page, or export it as separate graphic images.
    Instant preview
    • Each change of button-menu appearance is instantly displayed in the Preview Window.
    • At the same time, you will be able to test how the buttons would respond to the mouse events.
    Crera Menu De Navegacion Horizontal Horizontal Drop Down Menu Tutorial
    Easy to Use
    • GUI interface to create your horizontal drop down menu tutorial menus easily and in no time
    • Sensible menu parameters for manual editing


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